Act! Marketing Automation

Take Your Marketing to the Next Level with Act! Marketing Automation

Act! Is More Than Just CRM

Add to your already robust Act! CRM tool with the new Act! Marketing Automation (AMA) platform, which allows users to truly engage customers through email marketing, drip and nurture campaigns and workflows based on results or customer interactions. With dynamic sales pipeline management, actionable business insights and marketing automation that provides a comprehensive way to optimize all the ways you engage with your prospects and customers and take your marketing to the next level.

 Act! CRM + Marketing Automation = Growth Made Easy

There are four tiers of Act! Marketing Automation (AMA). There is a free "Basic" tier which all subscription clients are entitled to. Three other paid tiers are Select, Complete, and Advanced. Note you must be on a compatible Act! version (v21.0+) and there maybe some slight work to setup your API for AMA. Once AMA is setup, by default, only database administrators get access to it.  All other user roles must be granted permission in Tools > Manage Users. Please contact us for pricing or if you need assistance setting up your API.

AMA Features & Functionality Basic Select Complete Advanced
Email marketing x x x x
170+ responsive templates x x x x
Interactive template editor x x x x
Email tracking & metrics x x x x
Turnkey campaigns   x x x
HTML email editor   x x x
Social sharing   x x x
Landing Pages   x x x
Surveys   x x x
Drip marketing x x x x
Visual workflow designer x x x x
Campaign calendar x x x x
Deliverability & compliance tools x x x x
Marketing Automation to CRM workflow     x x
Response-driven nurture marketing     x x
Asset tracking     x x
Advanced lead capture     x x
Lead management & scoring     x x
Event marketing     x x
Website activity tracking     x x
Progressive profiling       x
A/B testing       x
Email sends per month 2,500/mo 25,000/mo 50,000/mo 100,000/mo

Additional Marketing Automation Options:

All Levels - Select, Complete and Advanced
Additional Marketing Automation Emails - $15/2500 emails/month
Additional Marketing Automation Domains - $50/domain/month

What is Marketing Automation?

Simply put, marketing automation is in the same field as email marketing - except more powerful and smarter. Managing your emarketing campaigns can require a lot of time from your employees. From creating templates to managing send lists to sending blasts, the tasks can build up. Also, tracking open and click results and assigning follow-up can become tedious. With marketing automation, this can alleviate some of these steps by automating them based on rules.

For example, if someone, clicks on a particular link, Marketing Automation can automatically send follow-up emails based on their interest or assign an Act! activity for the appropriate salesperson. With Act! Marketing Automation you can manage newsletters to automatically be sent out, create a sign-up form that imports that data into your Act! CRM database without website design skills or help from IT, and more.

Emarketing Campaign Management

Act! Marketing Automation helps you take your marketing capabilities much farther than traditional emarketing. With comprehensive campaign management, you’ll not only be able to send out email blasts but also engage customers with extensive drip marketing and nurture campaigns. This product features a visual workflow designer and interactive template editor to allow users the ability to create truly advanced campaigns.


  • Email Blasts: Send out your mass email campaigns directly out of Act!
  • Drip Campaigns: Have intelligent, automated follow-up based on results such as opens
  • A/B Campaign Testing: Compare if different versions of a template have a better open rate
  • Advanced Email Template Editor: Easy to use, yet with very advanced functions as well
  • Direct HTML Template Creation: Have your designer create beautiful campaigns from scratch
  • Landing Pages and Forms: Create custom forms that import results directly into Act! 
  • And more!

Marketing Lead Management

Act! Marketing Automation also offers effective lead management through lead capture, lead scoring and lead nurturing. Sales teams can prioritize follow-up based on customer engagement with marketing efforts. You’ll get real-time response metrics and have actionable customer insights.


  • Website Traffic Data: See visitors, view times, page views, traffic source
  • Custom Lead Scoring: Prioritize leads by your calculations based on email opens, clicks, etc.
  • Automated Sales Actions Based on Results: Trigger follow-up emails, create Act! activities or opportunities and more
  • Easy-access Email Result Searches in Act!: Quickly lookup in Act! interested leads, bounces, or opt-outs.
  • AMA Results Tab on Contacts: Easily see contact-specific metrics such as Last Link Opened

Download 5 Benefits of CRM + Marketing Automation by clicking here.

We are an Act! MaaS Certified Consultant - Your Partner in Success

AspenTech is proud to announce that we are now a MaaS Certified Consultant partner with Act!.  So what does that mean?

  • MaaS certification is an endorsement from Act! that shows that we are expert consultants for the Act! Marketing Automation product
  • We are one of only a handful of these certified experts in the world
  • Completed an Act! MaaS Certification course and assessment
  • Have 3+ years of consulting experience with marketing automation and sales CRM.  We just passed our 25 Year Anniversary, supporting clients' sales and marketing needs!
  • We have dedicated staff with comprehensive product knowledge and best practice expertise


Kelly is a fantastic Act! Consultant and coach. Our company has a very tailored Act! System, and Kelly is always here to help answer any questions, work through system upgrades, and train new associates. Kelly has been able to train me into becoming very versatile in Act!, while also teaching me how Act! can help our marketing and business strategies. One of the greatest assets that Kelly has enabled my company to do is to implement Act! Marketing Automation (AMA). We now use this exclusively for our e-marketing system and will continue to do so. This system along with Kelly’s help has allowed us to elevate our e-marketing platform, strategy, and made us more top-of-mind to our customers. Kelly works with her customers to ensure they have all of the information needed to be successful and provides helpful tips and trick along the way. Kelly is a great team member and one that I value having in my professional network.– Jennifer F., Marketing Communications, Royal Oak, MI
We have been using Act! for several years and added Act! Marketing Automation. It was a big transition for us, and one that would not have been successful without Kelly’s expertise. Not only is she extremely knowledgeable, Kelly is responsive, patient, and goes above and beyond what most would do. No question is ever left unanswered with Kelly. We could not have done this upgrade without her guidance and support. If you are doing anything with AMA, I highly recommend working with Kelly on your project. She will ensure it’s a success.– Kris L., Marketing Support, Chapel Hill, NC

Act! Marketing Automation vs. Act! Emarketing

Please note that Act! Marketing Automation (AMA) is a separate product than Act! Emarketing (AEM). NOTE: Act! emarketing was discontinued by Act! on December 31, 2020. For those interested in more powerful emarketing tools, you will want to consider Act! Marketing Automation. Contact us to discuss your options.

To learn more about how Act! Marketing Automation can help you achieve your goals, contact AspenTech CRM today at (866) 880-4228 to schedule a free consultation with a CRM specialist.